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The Data Recovery Services of Internet Desk, Inc.

Data Recovery Dallas
You can reach us by any means you wish, but we prefer you make initial contact using our Help! E-Mail Form, especially if you currently have a data recovery need.

Data Intensive Care Unit
12225 Greenville Ave., 7th Floor
Dallas, Texas 75243

Local Telephone: 214-470-5070

L E G A L     N O T I C E

The telephone, e-mail and fax contact information listed here is only for the use of prospective or current clients of Internet Desk, Inc. and/or Data I.C.U. It may not be used by those wishing to contact us with solicitations of any kind. The only acceptable solicitation avenue is the U.S. Mail address information. Solicitors are instructed not to make follow-up phone contact attempts using this information. If we are interested in your product or service, we will contact you.

We admire your persistence, but cannot afford the time (which is money) to deal with all those who would wish to sell products or services to us. Besides, if we have to spend the time (and money) to answer your phone calls and take your fax transmissions, we will have to increase our prices. Our clients wouldn't like that.

For the record, we have not opted-in to any fax advertising list.

We will prosecute those solicitors who abuse this information. (Our attorney made us say it!)


It's Tuesday, 11-Mar-2025 04:22:50 MST -- Time to Backup Your Data!

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Data Intensive Care Unit
10440 N. Central Expressway, 8th Floor
Dallas, Texas 75231

Phone: 214-470-5070

About us: Data Recovery Dallas Texas is a long-standing provider of data recovery services on the net. Since 1993, we have been providing the Internet community with quality data recovery services. We support all types of media from failed hard disk drives, external drives, floppy drive diskettes, Zip drives, CD media, tapes, flash cards, RAID configurations, and virtually every device where data is stored; we can help recover and rebuild your data. Therefore, if your looking for the fastest and best data recovery service, we invite you to bookmark now. - Thank you!

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