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The Data Recovery Services of Internet Desk, Inc.

Data Recovery Dallas What will this cost? That is a very good question. Unfortunately, the answer is not easy. There is no minimum cost. It takes time, special equipment, effort and expertise to do this work and it is going to cost you something to have this service performed. Only you can determine if the exercise is worth the cost.

Our evalutation services are free. A no-fee evaluation allows us to quote the costs to you before you are obligated to any cost at all. Even return shipping is free, ragardless of whether or not you use our services.

Could the cost be as little as $100? Yes, but it is not very likely. More common data recovery fees lie in the $200-to-$600 price range.

What's the most it could cost? This depends entirely on your particular situation. A multi-drive RAID system will require more work and a higher fee than a single drive recovery. That being said, it's very rare when a single-drive data recovery job is quoted in the $2,000-to-$3,000 range.

Why not a flat rate? We do have some flat-rate pricing. Floppy recoveries are $50 each if successful, no fee if we fail. CD data recoveries are $100 if successful, no fee if we fail. If you have multiples of these types of media to recover, we will quote a lower rate. Accidental format recoveries can be quoted over the phone once we know a little about the situation. In the case of a failed drive or failed file system, it will require a couple of hours on our bench before we can give you a quote.

Is it worth the cost? The answer is one only you can provide. If the missing data can be re-entered by clerical staff at a "person-hour" cost of $8.50 and the data re-entry time is estimated to be ten hours, then you should probably just re-enter the data. If, on the other hand, it would take 20, 30 or 100s of hours to re-enter -- then let's try

data recovery

. If the data cannot be reconstructed from any source other than the hard drive itself, then you must determine the value of that data. That value may be based on its usefulness and how much you would be willing to pay to have it back. That would be the price point at which you would either accept or reject our price for the recovery.

It's Tuesday, 11-Mar-2025 04:18:07 MST -- Time to Backup Your Data!

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Data Intensive Care Unit
10440 N. Central Expressway, 8th Floor
Dallas, Texas 75231

Phone: 214-470-5070

About us: Data Recovery Dallas Texas is a long-standing provider of data recovery services on the net. Since 1993, we have been providing the Internet community with quality data recovery services. We support all types of media from failed hard disk drives, external drives, floppy drive diskettes, Zip drives, CD media, tapes, flash cards, RAID configurations, and virtually every device where data is stored; we can help recover and rebuild your data. Therefore, if your looking for the fastest and best data recovery service, we invite you to bookmark now. - Thank you!

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